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2016-5-18 10:17:54    新闻来源:中国麻风防治协会
















Global Appeal 2010-3-19
to End Stigma and Discrimination against
People Affected by Leprosy

1February 2010
Dear Friend

I am pleased to enclose a copy of the Global Appeal 2010 to End Stigma and Discrimination against people Affected by Leprosy, which was launched in Mumbai, India on 25 January 2010 This is the fifth in a series of annual appeals started in 2006.
With the development of multidrug therapy in the 1980s leprosy is now a curable disease, yet millions of people who once had leprosy , and even their family members , continue to experience discrimination in many aspects of their lives due to the strong stigma associated with the disease.
Seven years ago I started lobbying the United Nations on this issue , one that had been largely overlooked by human rights experts. In 2008,the UN Human Rights Council unanimously passed a resolurion to end discrimination against persons affected by leprosy and their family members . in September this year, principles and guidelines to this end are expected to be approved by the Council.
Meanwhile, as part of my efforts to raise awareness of this deep-seated problem, I began addressing society at large through the medium of a Global Appeal. For the first Global Appeal in 2006, world leaders joined me in voicing their concern. Global Appeal 2007 was supported by representatives of people affected by leprosy. In 2008,leading NGOs including those working in field of humam rights put their names to the Appeal Global Appeal 2009was signed by leaders of the world's faiths, This year, the appeal has been endorsed by some of the world's top executives, who have underlined the right of people affected by leprosy to work and earn a living.
I would be most grareful if you would take a moment to read this year's appeal and share its message with your friends and colleagues .
Think you so much for your support.

Yours faithfully.

Yohei Sasakawa
Chairman The Nippon Foundation
WHO Goodwill Ambassador for Leprosy Elimination
Japanese Government Goodwill Ambassador for the Human Righes of People Affccted by Leprosy

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